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Flour Packing Machine 15/40
■ Simplified calibration from the operator menu thanks to PLC-Based control system
■ Automatic bag fill system with open mouth for 15/40 kg bags
■ Fast and precision scaling with stainless steel Loadcells
■ The ability to trace quantities of fill-in and filled bags through the operator's touch panel.
■ Filling system that prevents weighing errors.
■ There are no gaskets in the docking parts of the platter. This prevents bacteria from entering the platter.
■ All screw motors have a (driver controllers).
■ Belt conveyor can be easily adjusted to a height of 30 cm to 100 cm.
■ The conveyor belt motors have a driver controller that are tuned to the required speed.
■ Sewing machine was mounted on a mechanic stand of which height can be arranged to front and back.
■ Thread consumption is minimized by optical sensors used.
■ Labour safety is provided via emergency stop button on bag filling unit due to which the operator of the device to be able to move comfortably.
■ Possibility of precise filling by working with different parameters in different products with recipe control.
■ There are two digital capacitive sensors with an aluminum body in the flour bunker.
■ The upper and lower tolerances can be programmed independently of each other
■ Paint (epoxy) in accordance with food regulations.
■ The design of the body wish can be made of quality Cr-Ni 304 stainless steel. (Optionally)
Flour Packing Machine 15/40

Flour Packing Machine 15/40

Detalles técnicos
МОДЕЛЬ (lt - литр) (lt - литр) (kg/h - кг/час) (pcs/h - мешок/час)
UNR 15/40  Single 1502 110 5,250--12,000 350--300

İnsanlarin temel besin ihtiyaçlari başında yer alan un ve unlu mamullerin elde edilmesi işlemi, günümüz koşullarına uygun tesislerde üretilmesi; ancak modern bir teknoloji kullanmakla, ihtiyaç duyulan düzeyde üretim yapmakla mümkün olmaktadır.

The process of obtaining flour and flour products, which are at the forefront of people's basic nutritional needs, is produced in facilities suitable for today's conditions; however, it is possible to produce at the required level by using modern technology.

Процесс получения муки и мучных изделий, являющихся основными пищевыми потребностями человека, могут производится на предприятиях, соответствующих условиям нынешнего времени, а это возможно лишь при использовании современных технологий и на высочайшем уровне в производстве.

El proceso de obtención de harinas y productos derivados de la harina, que están a la vanguardia de las necesidades nutricionales básicas de las personas, se produce en instalaciones adecuadas a las condiciones actuales; sin embargo, es posible producir al nivel requerido utilizando tecnología moderna.

 Unidades de limpieza
 Unidades de molienda
 Unidades de embalaje
 Sistemas de Automatización y Eficiencia
 Sistemas de almacenamiento de granos
 Manipulando el equipo
 Pieza de recambio

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