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UNORMAK, since 1987, Milling Machinery Industry and Trade. Ltd. Sti. serves the industry.

ORYEM AŞ. It is one of the world's leading representatives of Feed Milling Technology, started its activities in 2012 in UNORMAK GROUP, one of the biggest flour mill manufacturers in Turkey.

ORWELD, with the development of the industry over the years, In order to meet the needs of Welding Consumables, MIG/MAG and TIG Wires, Cored Wires, Submerged Submerged Powders and Wires were started to serve as UNORMAK ESTABLISHMENT under the name of ORWELD WELDING WIRES.

ORTUĞRA CONSTRUCTION, which has signed many projects in Konya: With its turnkey projects in the construction and real estate sectors, it is a respected, high-quality, strong and effective UNORMAK INSTITUTION at the national, regional and global level.

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