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The production of flour and bakery products, which are essential for people's basic nutritional needs, can be achieved by utilizing modern technology and manufacturing in facilities that meet today's standards. UNORMAK © has been serving in this sector since 1987, fulfilling its duty and responsibility. With its advanced machinery and established facilities, both domestically and internationally, the company has gained a reputation for excellence. Our company specializes in providing turnkey solutions for the establishment of complete flour and semolina factories, catering to the needs of our customers.

In addition to our services, we offer a wide range of products to meet the machinery requirements of our customers. UNORMAK is not limited to flour and bran machines; we also offer corn flour, pulses, and seed sorting machines. With our experienced technical staff, who stay up to date with technological advancements in the industry, we consistently meet and exceed customer expectations in terms of quality and timely delivery. Customer satisfaction is our guiding principle.

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